Rappit Composer:
accelerate performance

Rappit Composer is the no-code apps and workflows platform that enables citizen developers to swiftly build and run configurable (mobile) enterprise apps including workflows.


Your new way of working

Rappit Composer - your new way of working

Why Rappit Composer

Rappit Composer is the only no-code platform that truly enables users to swiftly build (mobile) worfklow apps.

Growth in demand for app development vs. IT capacity
Workers saying that no-code add value
Coding needed
Time it takes to compose app
Container app for multiple mobile apps

Built for business users & developers

Business users

Automate and improve procesess with no-code worklow apps.

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Rappit Developer Reduce software spending

IT leaders

Realize productivity boosting workflow apps in days instead of weeks.

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IT leaders


Build advanced no-code apps and integrations while assisting citizen developers.

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System integrators - keep you developers happy
Head of Development

Empowered by industry experts

Proven platform developed by enterprise software experts. Rappit Composer is incorporating decades of experience in enterprise software rfrom the team that built Baan Company (ERP) and Cordys (PaaS). Rappit Composer is used for no-code app development supporting breakthrough producitivity in companies across the globe.

Unlock the power of no-code app development

Talk to our experts.