Rappit Undoc

Automate invoice processing

Streamline and accelerate invoice handling with intelligent document processing.

Boost efficiency with Rappit Undoc

Manual invoice processing is a slow and time-consuming task. Mistakes occur frequently, and it’s not cost-effective. Plus, delayed invoice processing can result in strained supplier relationships, and late payment penalties.

With Undoc the capturing, extracting, and validation of invoices are all managed and they can be automatically matched to purchase orders. This saves a significant amount of time for your team while reducing errors.

How automated invoice processing works

1. Data extraction: Invoices are ingested into the solution. Rappit Undoc recognizes and extracts relevant information from the invoices, such as vendor details, date, invoice number, selected line items, and amounts.

2. Data validation: The extracted data is then validated against predefined rules and criteria. This supports the identification of any errors or inconsistencies in the invoice data.

3. Matching and verification: Rappit Undoc automatically matches the invoice data with purchase orders to ensure that goods or services have been received as expected.

4. Exception handling: If any discrepancies or exceptions are detected during the validation and matching process, the solution can flag these issues for further investigation and resolution.

5. Workflow automation: Rappit Undoc can route invoices through predefined workflows like dispute management or approval workflows.

6. Payment: Once the invoice has passed through the necessary validation steps and approvals,  it is automatically posted to the finance system triggering payment process.

Rappit Undoc demo:
Automate your document processing

A proven solution for leading companies.

See what Rappit Undoc can do for you

In a personalized demo we show you how we can process your invoices.